We all have the ability to have as much happiness as we want, as much happiness as we can stand! But if we don't, whose fault is it? We'd like to blame the economy, our spouse, our work, or our bodies. But in truth, we are the only ones who can put any limits on our happiness. We are all put here with the same capacity for happiness, pleasure, and success. If you learn how to choose happiness by focusing on it as your goal and learning what it takes to create a happy life, then you hold the keys to happiness in your hands.
First, you need to define what being happy means to you, since it might not mean the same thing to everyone. Next, you have to commit to pursuing happiness as a goal and doing whatever it takes to achieve it. You may find some of these ideas helpful to create all the happiness you could ever want.
1. Dream. Don't give up on your dreams just because they haven't come to you yet. They keep us excited and motivated. Look at your beliefs and see if they're getting in the way of achieving your dreams, and if so work with a coach to shift your beliefs. Spend time feeling how you would feel and visualizing what it would be like if your dream came to pass. When you get into this state, you will not only be happier, but your joy will create the energy to draw your dream to you. Get clear about what you want and be sure you really still want it. Maybe your dreams have changed over the years and you never took the time to re-evaluate. Sit down and write out what your dreams and goals are in as much detail as possible and set dates by when you'd like to achieve them.
2. Accept. Where you are now is fine. Look for what you can enjoy in your life now while you pursue your dreams. Maybe you just haven't known what to do yet, but you are open to learning. Maybe it just hasn't been the right time for you to achieve your dreams. If you're not getting the results you want today, change what you're doing for better results tomorrow. But always come from the place of being happy in the present so that you are more open to happiness in the future. Remember that you are the only one affecting your happiness, so don't play victim, make excuses, or blame others if you're not as happy as you'd like to be. Don't expect anyone to rescue you. What can you do to turn your life around? How can you take responsibility for your happiness? Knowing that you alone affect how you feel at any time, gives you great power. Now use it wisely.
3. Shine. Do what you love. What are your unique skills and talents? What do you do that you would do every day even if you weren't getting paid? Aren't you happiest when you're doing what you're good at, what you love, and what you are confident at? If you're not even sure what you love because it's been so long since you did it, take an assessment test and start moving in the direction of your passions.
4. Grow. Life is a classroom and you can either learn and grow or stay the same. Learning new subjects or mastering your present skills brings great joy. Weren't you excited the first time you could speak a whole sentence in a foreign language? Wasn't it a thrill when you could actually send an attached file in an e-mail? Continued growth adds to your happiness.
5. Love. Do everything you do with love and you'll always experience happiness. Even when you find yourself doing some activity in pursuit of your dreams that isn't your most beloved activity, see what you CAN enjoy about it. Say you're making cold calls for a new business venture you want to get off the ground. Make it fun by being as personable as possible with people you speak to, and treat each stranger as a friend you just haven't met yet. Imagine what you can love about this person, even if they don't seem lovable. They are someone's child, so someone loves them. And for every NO you get, consider that it means NEXT ONE. That very next one could be your big opportunity. If you learn to love everything you do, you'll never have unpleasant chores and you'll find happiness in every moment.
***Olympics in Beijing,China commences today***
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